Saturday, July 6, 2019

Swarm Assault Level 38 - They're Everywhere

It's fairly easy (you already have spiders and wasp; the beetle colony won't be of much use up there).. Start producing missile spiders; go to wasp colony and make assaults (post 1-2 paralyzers behind the colony to stun incoming attack from spiders).. Take a few assaults and take over the Green beetle colony right above (assaults can safely do this without dying). By now, the missiles will have popped the yellow ant colony.. you need not assert conrol in the ensuing mayhem.. do some damage.. bide your time and get few more missiles, come down and attack the green spider colony.. I forgot, you'll need to keep an eye on the Red spider colony above.. use couple of missiles to kill off their missile attack etc. Once you have the green spider colony, then it's pretty straightforward..

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